A simple and efficient markdown reading, editing and publishing tool.
Mac App StoreOffline version
Currently only the Mac App Store version provides built-in network services.
Inkdown uses a WYSIWYG approach to edit Markdown, retaining a simple interface for focused reading, and publishing documents to the Internet in the simplest way.
Why Markdown
Markdown as a universal format across all platforms, is very suitable for storing personal documents. Your data will not be bound by any note taking application and can be easily published on any online platform.
Inkdown is completely based on the GitHub Flavored Markdown standard, so documents edited with Inkdown can be used seamlessly anywhere.
## Describe

Gfm is widely used in various scenarios and is the most common markdown document format, which can be seamlessly used in most internet platforms.

1. Introduction

   1. [What is GitHub Flavored Markdown?](
   2. What is Markdown?
   3. Why is a spec needed?
   4. About this document


Publish Documents
Inkdown believes that personal knowledge should be shared in the simplest way possible, whether it is to help others or build your own influence. It should not just stay in your own devices.
You can publish a single document or folder to the Internet with one click. Folders can form a series of documents into a document station, which is very friendly for publishing small e-books.
The published document is responsive and can be read on devices of any size. It also supports password access, adding external links, etc.
Right click on any folder to publish
the document site directly
For more details, please see the document.
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