
Privacy Policy

Inkdown is committed to protecting your data privacy and security. Inkdown does not own your data and will not sell it to others or use it for advertising.


This privacy policy covers the personal information we collect about you when you use our products or services, or interact with us in any other way, including on our website and desktop applications (collectively referred to as "Services"). This policy also explains your choices regarding how we use your personal information, including how you oppose the use of certain information, and how you access and update certain information.

Personal Information we collect

We collect personal information when you provide it to us, when you use our Services, as further described below. Account Creation: When you create an account or otherwise use the Services, we collect information such as your name, email address, and an optional profile photo. Your Communications with Us: We collect personal information from you such as email address, or mailing address when you request information about our Services, request customer or technical support, or otherwise communicate with us. We also collect the contents of messages or attachments that you may send to us, as well as other information you choose to provide, and that may be associated with your communications.

How we use your information

Note about Data Policy

Inkdown is committed to protecting your data privacy and security. Inkdown does not own your data and will not sell it to others or use it for advertising

By default, all content you place in your own space in Inkdown is private. We will not attempt to make money from your content.

There are some features in Inkdown that allow you to publish and share some of your content with others, but these features are completely optional and whether to use them depends on yourself.

The media files you upload, such as images, videos, and other content, are saved to the network CDN. Unlike note content, these files are accessible on the network, but the network address of the files is only known to you personally if your relevant documents have not been published on the network. Therefore, please do not place important information in media files or attachments.

Inkdown provides the function of exporting document data and attachments at any time, so you can migrate them at any time.

You can choose to delete your account at any time. When you delete your account, we will clean up all your document and file data and it cannot be recovered.

Updated: 2024-6-17.